The Why of Your Health- A Chiropractor's Perspective

The Why of Your Health- A Chiropractor's Perspective

As a chiropractor in Mississauga for over 16 years, I’ve often wondered what the construct is that determines a patient’s priority.  For some patients, the focus is on career and for some others, the focus is on their family.  In my opinion, the focus should also be on one’s health. 

We all know that our health is a priority; we should be more regular with our exercises, be more disciplined with our nutrition or be more consistent with our chiropractic adjustments.  What is it that determines the willingness or the discipline to follow through with that understanding?

What I have learned as a chiropractor is that the greatest determining factor for our action is to find the WHY within ourselves.  The Why for me is that I need to be an example of good health to my patients and my family.  My Why includes being there for my daughters and my spouse.  Without my health, I cannot possibly be there to take care of my family, nor can I serve the patients in my clinic.  Without leading by example, how can I possibly ask my patients or my family to do the same? 

Find YOUR WHY for anything you do, and you’ll also find your drive, your motivation and your goal.  Every January, the gym is packed with individuals with the great aspiration to improve their health because of the ubiquitous New Year resolution.  Those same people are rarely seen at the gym in April or May the same year.  I think that the reason for their WHY is simply not significant or big enough.  I think that they may be looking to improve their body image or their body condition, and when the result cannot come fast enough, their conviction starts to weaken.  I would surmise that the best WHY can be found in the people you love the most.  I think that the WHY has to be more than just being healthy for ourselves but also be healthy for those that are important to us.  Always remember that the better you take care of yourself, the better you’ll take care of your loved ones.   Also, for those who are parents, we are our children’s role models.  We cannot ask them to lead a healthy lifestyle when our actions are not congruent with our words.

If you would like to find out more about our chiropractic clinic, and how our chiropractors can help improve your health, please call our office in Mississauga for either a consultation or a full assessment.  Our clinic is a family-oriented multidisciplinary clinic consisting of chiropractic care, registered massage therapy, chiropody/foot care and acupuncture.   If you are not from Mississauga, but would like to have a referral to a chiropractor outside of the area, we would be happy to recommend someone closer to you.     

-Dr. Suharto Ongko


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12:30 pm - 7:00 pm


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7:30 am - 7:00 pm
12:30 pm - 7:00 pm
7:30 am - 7:00 pm
12:30 pm - 7:00 pm
7:30 am - 7:00 pm
By appointment only